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For authors


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Do you want to write for Quale?

If you want to share your knowledge, concerns and experiences – write for us! Share your competences with broad audience. We are here to connect your ideas with our readers.

Send us your proposal – we will evaluate it and provide you with further instructions.

If you are not very familiar with writting – don’t worry. We are here to help you to convert your knowledge into proper words.


Quale 1/2015

Submission of proposals: 15.02.2015. The magazine is coming out on 1st of March

Quale 2/2015

Submission of proposals: 15.05.2015. The magazine is coming out on 1st of June

Quale 3/2015

Submission of proposals: 15.08.2015. The magazine is coming out on 1st of September

Quale 4/2015

Submission of proposals: 15.011.2015. The magazine is coming out on 1st of December

Some instructions

  • Together with your article please send a short bio (up to 1000 characters) and a photo of the author.
  • Please do not send us PDF files. We accept only DOC, DOCX format (MS Word or Open Office).
  • If article contains images, please send graphics in JPG or EPS format (max. 300 dpi). All graphics should be send as separate files. The article text should clearly indicate where should we place a specific graphic. Please also provide the caption of each image to be included in the article text.
  • Together with the article, please send the following disclaimer: „I hereby declare that the written piece submitted is my own work. All direct or indirect sources used are acknowledged as references. This paper was not simultaneously presented to another magazine and has not been published in print or by electronic means.”