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5.10.2021 17:00 - 19:00


Webinar SJSI – TMMi#1

Zapraszamy na pierwszy webinar SJSI o TMMi, który odbędzie się już 5 października 2021 r. o godzinie 17:00. Spotkanie będzie transmitowane Live również przez Facebook Stowarzyszenia Jakości Systemów Informatycznych. Poniżej znajdziecie informacje o czym będzie można posłuchać podczas webinaru oraz kto będzie ujawniał tajniki wiedzy o TMMi 😉

Link do zapisów

The Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) ( has a rapidly growing uptake and is now the de-facto world-wide standard for test process improvement. It’s growing popularity is based upon it being the only independent test process improvement model, and the simple presentation of maturity levels that it provides. The mistaken belief is that the TMMi and Agile approaches are at odds. Agile approaches and TMMi can not only co-exist, but successfully integrate to bring substantial benefits to both Agile and traditional development and testing organizations. Examples will be shown on how TMMi and Agile methods can effectively work together. The challenge is to apply lean principles and practices to empower Agile practices and facilitate TMMi practices. Whatever you do a key to success is always to have the business needs and objectives drive the improvement process. Erik has much practical experience in implementing the TMMi model, in both traditional and Agile environments, and assisting organizations improve the way they test. Many practical experiences and results achieved are presented. The latest developments around the TMMi will also be discussed, e.g., the results world-wide TMMi user survey and the establishment of TMMi Local Chapters.

You will learn:

  • The background and staged structure the TMMi model
  • The test processes defined by TMMi and their priorities
  • Where and how TMMi is used, and the benefits that are being achieved
  • How TMMi and Agile work together
  • How to get involved with the TMMi, e.g., by becoming an accredited TMMi lead assessor

Erik van Veenendaal ( is a leading international consultant and trainer, and a recognized expert in the area of software testing. He is the author of a number of books and papers within the profession, one of the core developers of the TMap testing methodology and the TMMi test improvement model, and currently the CEO of the TMMi Foundation. Erik is a frequent keynote and tutorial speaker at international testing conferences. For his major contribution to the field of testing, Erik received both the European Testing Excellence Award and the ISTQB International Testing Excellence Award.