20.02.2017 18:00 - 21:00
Murawa 12-18, wejście B, biuro firmy Cognifide
Zapraszamy na nasze kolejne, już XXXIX spotkanie. Ponieważ pojawiły się cztery X’y w liczbie naszych spotkań, musi być wyjątkowo. Zresztą przyjrzyjcie się agendzie. Ceniony prelegent z zagranicy – Hans Schaefer opowie o testowaniu na podstawie ryzyka i benefitów biznesowych, a Radek i Maciej pochwalą się open sourcowym narzędziem (stworzonym w Poznaniu!) do automatycznych testów aplikacji webowych. Będzie też okazja dowiedzieć się więcej o organizacji działającej pod tajnym skrótem SJSI.
Kiedy? 20 luty (Poniedziałek), start godz. 18:00
Gdzie? Murawa 12-18, wejście B, biuro firmy Cognifide
Współorganizator: SJSI
Rejestracja: http://www.uczestnicy.pl/event/ptaq-xxxix
1) Automated testing for common errors and difference recognition for a web application with AET
Have you ever thought about a tool that will allow you to automatically test your page for most common errors and track visual changes throughout its development? Have you ever dreamed about a tool that can automate change supervision during authoring phases or migration processes? Do you think that regression testing across a range of environments is time-consuming and expensive? If so, and you still believe that there is much you can do to improve the quality of your site and at the same time make this process even more efficient and cheaper meet AET, a testing tool for everyone! Radek Lawgmin and Maciej Laskowski from Cognifide will take you on a journey through test automation experiences. The speakers will show:
- how easy it is to configure and launch automated tests for your pages with AET,
- how quickly you can analyse their results,
- how aptly you can identify issues related to them
- and what the benefits of their implementation in various projects realized at Cognifide are.
More info about tool and source code: https://github.com/Cognifide/aet
Radek Lawgmin is a lead senior QA engineer and a product owner in the AET project at Cognifide. He is interested in process optimization, software test efficiency vs. effectiveness and new technologies. He has been working in AEM projects at Cognifide for over four years. Before engaged in various e-learning projects.
Maciej Laskowski is a senior software engineer at Cognifide. His interests and experience are focused mainly on the area of system integration, scalability and backend web development. He has worked at Cognifide for over four years and has more than 8 years of professional IT experience. He works as an architect and a technical leader in the Automated Exploratory Tests (AET) project. During shaping AET Maciej has used his AEM expertise to boost scalability. Currently he is fascinated with reactive programming, javarx and lightweight micro-services architectures.
2) Risk and benfit based testing
This presentation will try to answer on our standard issue:
“Test execution is usually the last step in software development. All delays from the previous stages accumulate to that point so tests are run under severe time and budget pressure”
Most of you probably heard about Risk Based Testing or even tried to implement at work. But what about Benefit Based Testing? Does it look interesting? In fact both approaches look promising and cause that our first thought is – can we combine them? Come and listen Hans’s answer.
Hans Schaefer – chairman of the Norwegian Committee on Testing, member of ISTQB Foundation working group, consults companies such as Nokia, Statoil and Bombardier, lecturer and world renowned speaker, and at the same time … railway lover. Han’s homepage: http://www.softwaretesting.no
Po prezentacjach jak zawsze przewidzieliśmy czas na integrację ;-).
- z uwagi na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc wyjątkowo uruchomiliśmy rejestrację,
- przypominamy, iż nasze spotkania są darmowe,
- obydwie prezentacje będą w języku angielskim.